Knowledge is Power, but...
Action is the Key to Your Success!

Harmony of Mind-Body-Spirit. Issue 110. April 2012.

Hello <>

It's Tony from the Aikido Health Centre, and here's your latest copy of my Harmony newsletter. Join the discussions at our Community Forum

In this issue you'll learn how you can get Your Ideas, comments, stories, etc. permanently published at absolutely no cost see below...

Next month we will discuss why NOW is the right time to start your own website business. PLus the very best method to do it - stay tuned!


Maybe you have considered airing your important opinions on aikido, health, and well-being. If you have, then with a little research you will have found a couple of good ways of doing this. For example...

1 - Social media.

2 - Writing a blog.

3 - Developing a Website.

Millions of people now use the web to write personal blogs about what they are up to. Most just use social media sites to record day to day thoughts. Sites like facebook and twitter are great for communicating with friends and family, and you can quickly and easily get your opinions known.

Social media sites are great for simple communicating, and I use them myself for this. But, in reality they only offer a passing show of great comments that quickly disappear from the timeline.

Maybe you have noticed that most people are skimmers, and flit around from one thing to the next. After all do you stop and get involved in serious discussions? Who has time for that - right?

What if you have something more important to say?

Something that you have learnt from life experience, that you want to share with others!

I am constantly reading amazing comments that are important and should be permanently published. But they just disappear from view along with the rubbish that you may have seen on these sites.


Hundreds of thousands of people write in more detail about their opinions on their own blog sites. Some write informative articles and reports about their experience on a variety of subjects.

Unfortunately the vast majority of these blogs are lost in space, with hardly any traffic. This is sadening because many offer valuable information that could help people find answers to their questions.

SO... what's the answer?

1 - Either write a blog that gets visitors (difficult)

2 - Build your own website that attracts people (time-consuming)

3 - Use webspace of an established site.

Well, now you can!

If you don't have the time or funds to learn the technical skills to run your own website... no problem. Because I have space allocated on my Aikido Health Centre website... just for YOU.

Yes, you can have as many pages as you want... at absolutely no cost.

Why would I offer this?

I have a community forum area of my site for like-minded people to get together and share their experiences. It's not like other forums where comments disappear from sight after a few hours or days.

YOU will have your own webpage... as many as you want :)

All you have to do is post your comments on your webpages and invite family, friends, etc. to visit and reply with their own comments.

These are permanent webpages that you can have, absolutely free!


It's a win-win situation... you get valuable webspace to use, and my community forum grows. Of course your comments, stories and opinions must be your own and not copied from elsewhere :)

Do You have a question, comment, or story for us?

Visit our Community Forum and give us your important opinion!


You can live a healthy and vibrant life, by using the following tips daily...

"You Are What You Breathe, Drink, Eat, Think, Feel and Do"

Tony Wilden

1 - Breathe DEEPLY and Relax.
2 - Drink Plenty of PURE Water.
3 - Eat ORGANIC Food and Supplements.
4 - Focus on POSITIVE Thoughts.
5 - Positively EXPRESS Your Feelings.
6 - Gently STRETCH for Flexibility.
7 - List Your Life GOALS.
8 - ACT on Your Plans.

Remove stress, anxiety, and dis-ease, by completing the 8 holistic key steps. It's all explained here... Optimum Health Secrets


Visit my Aikido Health Centre website and bookmark my Aikido Health Blog page because every new page I put up is announced on there...

Check out my regular comments and become a friend on and...

I'd love to hear your important opinion on Aikido and Health related issues, tell me what you think here...

Peace & Harmony

Tony Wilden
Aikido Health Centre

P.S. Join in today and Tell Us What You Think

Tony Wilden is an Aikido Instructor and qualified in several Healing Arts. He has a deep interest in spiritual matters, optimum health, environmental issues, and the creation of harmony between people and nature. Tony is on a path to wisdom, freedom and power and shares his insights on aikido, health, universal principles, ancient knowledge and master strategies.

Please Note
The information provided in the Harmony ezine is for educational purposes and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any dis-ease. It should not replace the advice of your health advisor or doctor.

(c) April 2012 - All Rights Reserved - Aikido Health Centre
Tony Wilden - 98 Linden Road, Bognor Regis, West Sussex PO21 2BD UK

Harmony of

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Your Aikido skills!

Glowing Health!

Tony Wilden

Tony's Blog

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