Action is the Key to Your Success!

Harmony of Mind-Body-Spirit. Issue 84. February 2010.

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Your Path to Mastery continues by turning the spotlight on how to release the negative energy from your life - see below...

Next month, Add your important opinion to our NEW Community Forum. Have your story published on our site... Stay Tuned!

Peace and Harmony


P.S. 6 easy steps to BOOST Your energy... Health Secrets

P.P.S. Fast-track YOUR Aikido skills right now... Aikido Success Blueprint


In this article I will be looking at several ways for you to release negative energy from your life. Of course I will try to keep it as simple and practical as possible.


Well, if it's complex, difficult to understand, and takes a lot of time and effort, you wont use it... right?

what YOU want, are ways to reach your goals, that use the minimum amount of effort for the maximum benefit... right? That's why I am offering you the essential key principles to get the job done.

Please don't overlook the simplicity of these ideas for more complicated answers. If you do you'll miss the power principles that can truly change your life... and fast!

Every life event you have had is recorded in your subconscious mind. All of your experiences have feelings attached to them, and have a whole series of thoughts that are set in motion because of the emotions.

This is very similar to a computer and its programs.

I'm sure you are aware that if you don't clear your computer every now and then it gets slow and eventually fails to work correctly.

It is exactly the same with your mind. If you don't release and let go of old programs, then they continue to run in the background without your knowledge of it. They are like a heavy weight that you have to drag around everywhere you go, and this gets really tiring.

So, you must agree with me, that it is a good idea to let go of the past programs. In fact, it is possible to release feelings as soon as they come up in your life. In this way you become clear, focused, and more positive. You are then able to go on and reach your dreams, desires and life goals.


Because there are no old subconscious programs holding you back.

Fear of failure, fear of success, anger, sadness, grief, the need to control everything, the search for approval and recognition, etc. can all be released from your life. This makes you lighter, happier, enthusiastic, positive, and more loving towards other people.

For full, step-by-step, details on how to let go of negative thoughts and feelings, visit... Optimum Health Secrets


Now I'm going to tell you one of the very best ways to release your past feelings that may be holding you back. This exercise is taken from the teachings of the 'Sedona Method'

First of all I want you to make a list of all of the major experiences that have changed your life. Include apathy, sadness, anger, fear etc.

This exercise is designed to bring up into your conscious mind the events and negative emotions that you want to let go of. This can be a very powerful way to release the past and finally move on.

List 10 negative moments, and put them in order of importance. Then go to the first one and think about it, in as much detail as possible. How did it make you feel?

Now ask yourself the following questions...

1 - Could I let it go? - Is it possible for you to release it?

2 - Would I let it go? - Are you prepared to let it go?

3 - When? - This is an invitation to do it right now!

Please bear in mind that these are just feelings charged with power by the thoughts that you have associated with them. Without the thoughts, they are just a feeling that you can choose to let go from your conscious mind.

Go throught the question process several times as releasing feelings often brings up other feelings about the same issue to release on.

Once you have completed the process and are feeling better about it, you simply move on to the 2nd event to release. Then carry on until you have finished. Of course, this may take several sessions.

Another powerful way of releasing negative feelings is to stop resisting them. You can just welcome and allow them to be as they are, without the need to control them.

Of course, if you want to completely remove stress, anxiety, and dis-ease, there are plenty of other things you can do that are explained in my unique exe ebook... Optimum Health Secrets


Many great leaders, philosophers, and psychologists all agree with the laws of nature and the universe, which state that...

'You become what YOU think about'

In fact, there is now a whole movement based on the law of attraction, and how you can magnetically attract to yourself all that you want to have, be, or do. So it's very important to focus your thoughts and feelings on positive things!

If you read, watch, and listen to things with a negative vibration, then you are filling your being with negative energy... it's as simple as that!

How can you change this around? EASY...

1 - Don't read newspapers... they focus on negative stories!

2 - Don't watch the news on tv... it focuses on negative events.

3 - Avoid violence on tv... it's negative!

4 - Remove moaning, negative people from your life. If they are members of your family, ask them to be more positive, and if they can't... reduce the time you spend with them.

DO read, watch, and listen to positive material that is uplifting and inspirational to you. This will help raise your energy and belief that you can achieve your goals in life.

Feel happy, and grateful for what you already have, and the positive experiences you'll soon be having in your life.

You are what you breathe, drink, eat, think, feel, and do!

So... breathe deeply and relax, drink plenty of pure water, eat organic food and supplements, focus on positive thoughts, positively express your feelings, and gently stretch for flexibility.

When you are calm and relaxed, it becomes easier to concentrate, focus on, and achieve your goals. You can liberate your natural talents and go with the flow for unlimited energy.

When's the Best time to start? Right Now... If not now... when?
It's all explained, in full detail here... Optimum Health Secrets


For more great Aikido and Health tips, take the time to have a good look round my Aikido Health Centre website at I am constantly adding NEW and FREE information for you.

I suggest you also bookmark my Aikido Health Blog page because every new page I put up is announced on there. Also, I add my own personal comments regularly on a variety of interesting topics.

You can check out my regular comments on social media websites, like Facebook and Twitter. Just visit... and... - become a friend and sign up!

I'd love to hear your important opinion on Aikido and Health related issues, so drop me a line and tell me what you think here... Contact Form


You can live a healthy and vibrant life, by using the following tips daily... "You Are What You Breathe, Drink, Eat, Think, Feel and Do" Tony Wilden

1 - Breathe DEEPLY and Relax.
2 - Drink Plenty of PURE Water.
3 - Eat ORGANIC Food and Supplements.
4 - Focus on POSITIVE Thoughts.
5 - Positively EXPRESS Your Feelings.
6 - Gently STRETCH for Flexibility.
7 - List Your Life GOALS.
8 - ACT on Your Plans.

Boost Your health and energy now, visit... Optimum Health Secrets

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You can easily stay in touch with what's going on at the Aikido Health Centre, by signing up right now to... Tony's Blog

Peace & Harmony

Tony Wilden
Aikido Instructor/Healer
Aikido Health Centre

P.S. Remember to go and grab your copy of the Aikido Success Blueprint and the Optimum Health Secrets Collections... before I come to my senses and charge what they are truly worth :)

Tony Wilden is an Aikido Instructor and qualified in several Healing Arts. He has a deep interest in spiritual matters, optimum health, environmental issues, and the creation of harmony between people and nature. Tony is on a path to wisdom, freedom and power and shares his insights on aikido, health, universal principles, ancient knowledge and master strategies.

Please Note
The information provided in the Harmony ezine is for educational purposes and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any dis-ease. It should not replace the advice of your health advisor or doctor.

(c) February 2010 - Aikido Health Centre - All Rights Reserved
Tony Wilden - 98 Linden Road, Bognor Regis, West Sussex PO21 2BD UK

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