Action is the Key to Your Success

Harmony of Mind-Body-Spirit. Issue 40. June 2006.

Hello <>

We hope You are having a successful day. Here is your issue 40 of 'Harmony of Mind-Body-Spirit' from the Aikido Health Centre.

Your Unique Journey continues with 'Magic & Power in the Martial & Healing Arts'. This series began in March 2006 and taps into the incredible mysterious power at the heart of the martial and healing arts.

The feature article is titled 'The Power of Ki in the Aiki Arts'. A mysterious force known in Japan as ki, in China as Chi, in India as Prana, and in the West as Magnetism or Vital Life Force. Develop the power to use this positive energy for self defence and healing - see below...

Read on... for our Words of Wisdom, World Community News, and Feature Article. The back issues & unsubscribe links are at the end of the Ezine.

Next month's feature is titled 'The Way of the Peaceful Warrior'. The martial arts are practised, not as a means to maim or kill our oponents, but as a path to peace. Self realisation and self mastery is the main focus of training to improve our own health and well-being... stay tuned.

Peace and Harmony


PS Build your foundation of knowledge, develop your PLAN and take Massive ACTION towards your life goals. A simple plan takes us from where we are to where we want to be. Acting on this plan DAILY re-inforces our intention and focus to succeed.


'Harmony of Mind-Body-Spirit' is a KEY to your success. Learn how to tap into your INNER POWERS, balance your life energy and experience Incredible levels of Energy and Inner Peace. Knowledge is Power and we aim to give you the essential ingredients for abundant Health and vibrant Energy. Visitors can Subscribe FREE here... Harmony of Mind-Body-Spirit


"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong"
Mahatma Gandhi

"We either make ourselves happy or miserable.
The amount of work is the same.
Carlos Castaneda

"Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle,
and the life of the candle will not be shortened.
Happiness never decreases by being shared.

"Genuine happiness consists in those spiritual qualities of love, compassion, patience, tolerance and forgiveness and so on. For it is these which provide both for our happiness and others’ happiness."
Dalai Lama.

"If you were all alone in the universe with no one to talk to, no one with which to share the beauty of the stars, to laugh with, to touch, what would be your purpose in life? It is other life, it is love, which gives your life meaning. This is harmony. We must discover the joy of each other, the joy of challenge, the joy of growth."
Mitsugi Saotome

Chi Kung, Reiki, Zen Meditation, Organic Living and Health Ebooks

Harmony of Mind-Body-Spirit from the Aikido Health Centre


Here we feature a series of Local and World Community News
that may be of interest to our subscribers...

Sock it to Poverty
Harnessing the power, passion and goodness of sport to help change the world. That is the vision of Sport Relief which wants everyone across the UK to walk, jog or run a mile on July 15th to help fight poverty.

Instead of a Red Nose, those taking part will be given a Sport Relief Red Sock and everyone who finishes their mile will be presented with a second sock to make a pair, and show the world that they have played their part in ‘socking it to poverty’. Born out of Comic Relief, and in collaboration with BBC Sport, it is urging celebrities, politicians and the general public to ‘Go the Extra Mile’ and raise money to help vulnerable people in the UK and in the poorest countries of the world.

There will be 15 National Miles in cities around the UK with countless other Local Miles where people can go the distance. Those who want to organise their own event can find information on setting up a ‘Do-It- Yourself Mile’ on the Sport Relief website.

Everyone can join in and help by sponsoring their friends and family or even one of the many well known people taking part. Celebrities who have signed up to go the distance include Sally Gunnell, Sir Steve Redgrave and comedian Patrick Kielty, who admits to being a ‘run for the bus’ type of athlete. David Walliams, of the comedy show Little Britain, will be swimming right across the English Channel.

In the days leading up to the event there will be a series of Sport Relief TV programmes, which will include a snooker tournament and All out for India, a celebrity cricket match. Although Mile Day and the days leading up to it promise to be lots of fun, the benefits of the biannual Sport Relief are serious.

In 2004 the event raised over £16 million, money that was spent on tackling poverty around the world. Funds raised in 2006 will continue this work, bringing short-term relief to disadvantaged people and equipping them with long-term skills and knowledge.

Contact: Sport Relief Entry Kit Line: 0845 605 8000


Aikido was founded by Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969), who gained the skill to control many attackers at will. He was unique in his ability to express his understanding of universal principles and laws of nature. He was also a very spiritual person who spent years in study, prayer and contemplation.

An excellent way to 'experience' harmony and balance in our lives is to practise the martial art of Aikido. This is an art of Peace that develops in us an acute awareness of our surrounding environment, the ability to be calm, focused, relaxed and centred. Millions of practitioners around the World experience the positive benefits of Aikido - The Way of Harmony

Harmony of Mind-Body-Spirit from the Aikido Health Centre



There are many different forms practised in the aiki martial arts. These range from the purely physical aspects designed to control an aggressor to the esoteric healing arts.

Combat training in the aiki arts never places an emphasis on competition or sport, winners and losers. These aspects are highly discouraged as the reason for taking part is centered on discipline and spiritual self-development.

Koichi Tohei, one of the accepted early masters of aikido sums up his attitude...

"In the first place, aikido is a discipline designed to penetrate to the inner meaning of the principle of non-dissension. In matches someone must win, and winning in itself implies a heart filled with fighting. If you strive with all your might to win, it is doubtless very fine for your sportsmanship, but with the burning desire to be victorious you may develop the psychology that any means is alright if it helps you to win. This attitude can do great harm to you as a person"

There are some variations on this theme, taught in dojos that tend to ignore its original spiritual core, resulting in the western emphasis on the destructive or competitive aspects of the art.

Because of the almost supernatural claims surrounding the performance of aikido, it was greeted with skepticism when it was first introduced to the west, in demonstrations in France 1951, and USA in 1953.

Aiki begins with a certain posture and attitude, a state where the body, breath and mind all become one. When these three conditions are met we are able to express our ki power to the maximum. These are the same conditions that are basic to Zazen (seated meditation). This includes...

1 - Stability of the body's centre of gravity while sitting or standing.
2 - Concentration of the consciousness using discipline of the mind.
3 - Correct breathing in harmony with mind, body and spirit.

Aiki also involves the control of our opponent, attacker or aggressor...

1 - Unbalancing the opponent.
2 - Distracting the opponents attention and neutralising his fighting spirit.
3 - Interrupting the opponents breathing, rhythm and timing.

When all of these conditions are met, we are able to surround our opponent with an overwhelming force of our ki power.

Cleanse Your mind and Body with Organic Health Purification

Harmony of Mind-Body-Spirit from the Aikido Health Centre


Each martial art has its own particular techniques that are indispensable, and should be worked on for 10-20 years, in order to master them. But ultimately, state of mind or consciousness is far more important. The link between mind and body, spirit and posture, mind and technique is breathing, which becomes ki energy.

In Budo the three essentials are... technique (wasa), energy activity (ki), and mind/spirit (shin). Using the art of Zazen, through our posture, we can bring mind and breathing together in balance and harmony.

In Zazen, as in Budo and the Martial Arts, many difficulties arise at the beginning of training. But later the correct posture, attitude of mind, and breathing fall into balance easily. At first we must consciously work at it, but after a few years we can concentrate unconsciously.

Using Zazen, Concentration on the act of breathing out creates a balance between consciousness and posture. It causes a balancing of the energy of muscles, nerves, and the hypo-thalamus and thalamus glands. If you practise regularly, you can know the secrets of budo unconsciously, naturally and automatically.

The aim is to develop a motionless body, mind and spirit. When we have developed this ability we are powerful, strong and full of positive ki. If we do not dwell upon our thoughts but just let them go by, the substance of the mind is motionless.

In zazen you can collect your energy, let your thoughts pass by like clouds, and relax your nervous and muscular tension by concentrating on your posture...

Straight back, straight neck, hands joined together, thumbs forming a horizontal line, and by breathing correctly with an emphasis on breathing out deeply into the hara (just below the navel), our centre of gravity.

Zanshin is a mind that remains still without being attached to anything, watchful, alert, but unattached. The attitude is most important as it merges the spirit with what we do.

Develop Powerful Ki Energy for Self Defence and Healing

Harmony of Mind-Body-Spirit from the Aikido Health Centre


Air contains the energy and life-force of the universe, which we receive through the lungs to every cell in the body. We ordinarily breathe 15-20 times a minute, using only one sixth of our lung capacity. We can learn to breathe more slowly, five or six deep, calm breaths a minute.

The concentration should be on the exhalation and longer than the inhalation. With practise this type of breathing can be a regular, basic habit, especially while we sleep. The life energy of the universe is then transfomed in to human energy.

Breathing in is taking in supplies and breathing out spreads them throughout the body. It is important to concentrate on breathing out, on spreading and distributing, as breathing in and stocking up energy happens unconsciously and automatically.

The Japanese martial arts use this method of breathing out and attacking the aggressor while they are breathing in, as we are at our most vulnerable on the inhalation.

The ki in the aiki arts is developed when the method of breathing is correct. Energy, strength, and consciousness must always be in harmony, without tension, for ki to be strong. The best way to develop this is through a combination of sitting still in zen meditation, and training ourselves for combat, by action through practise.

Ki energy is borrowed from the universe and exists beyond mere physical energy. Ki is always the movement of energy with the flow of life.

Aikido & Ki - Bestselling Books

Harmony of Mind-Body-Spirit from the Aikido Health Centre


WHAT can You DO to live a healthy, vibrant and happy life ? The best way to decide on Your path is to ask Yourself... "What am I drawn to ?"... there your Answers will be found. The following 'Secrets', applied daily, will help You to make powerful, lasting Positive changes.

You Are What You Breathe, Drink, Eat, Think, Feel and Do.

Breathe DEEPLY and Relax.
Drink Plenty of PURE Water.
Eat ORGANIC Food and Supplements.
Focus on POSITIVE Thoughts.
Positively EXPRESS Your Feelings.
Gently STRETCH for Flexibilty.
List Your Life GOALS.
ACT on Your Plans.

The Aikido Health Centre Blog is my mini-journal - It... Lets you know when New Web Pages appear at Keeps you up-to-date with other postings or news about Aikido and Health... (like the latest Ki Healing or Kiatsu pages). Points out some of our past subjects that you might otherwise miss. Subscribe at Aikido Health Blog

Harmony of Mind-Body-Spirit from the Aikido Health Centre

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The martial arts, these days are practised, not as a means to maim or kill our oponents, but as a path to peace. Self realisation and self mastery is the main focus of training to improve our own health and well-being.

This series began in March 2006 and taps into the incredible mysterious power at the heart of the martial and healing arts.

SUMMARY OF MAGIC AND POWER IN THE MARTIAL AND HEALING ARTS The healing arts, magic & power in the martial arts, the way of harmony with aikido, the power of ki in the aiki arts, the way of the peaceful warrior, summary of magic and power in the martial and healing arts.


Do YOU have Comments, Ideas, Positive or Negative Feedback ?
What is Your Greatest Wish ? We'd love to hear from You <> as Your opinion is Important to us, so please reply to this e-zine and tell us what YOU think...

Peace & Harmony

Tony Wilden - Aikido Instructor/Healer
Aikido and Health Centre
'Harmony of Mind-Body-Spirit'
Founded Arun Aikido Club 1992

Tony Wilden is an Aikido Instructor and qualified in several Healing Arts. He has a deep interest in spiritual matters, health and environmental issues, and the creation of harmony between people and nature. Tony is on a path to wisdom, freedom and power and shares his insights on aikido, health, universal principles, ancient knowledge and master strategies.

Harmony of Mind-Body-Spirit from the Aikido Health Centre

Please Note

The information provided in Harmony of Mind-Body-Spirit is for educational purposes and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any dis-ease. It should not replace the advice of your health advisor or GP. Remember, knowledge puts You in control of Your life and slow positive changes are best for maximum benefit to Your health.

(c) June 2006 - Tony Wilden - All Rights Reserved
98 Linden Road, Bognor Regis, West Sussex PO21 2BD United Kingdom

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