Types of Cancer

by Yuthmartin

There are different types of cancer, and different treatment for different cancers.


If you analyze the why's and wherefore's of cancer and it's symptoms, then you will get lost in research and expert opinions.

Millions have been donated to cancer charities, who have invested in research... and still no cure. What are they doing?

Most cancers are treated by attacking the immune system with deadly drugs. This takes place in the hope that the cancer will die before the patient. The trouble is that with a weakened immune system, cancer returns or another major illness arrives.

There have been several researchers that have made some headway, but they are unable to get the funds to complete their work. Often their reputations are attacked by the pharmaceutical industry, who are not in the business of finding cures.

This would mean no need for expensive drugs!

Dig deeper there are answers available. Check out...

cancer and vitamin D,
cancer and fungi, etc.

All the Best


Tony Wilden
Aikido Health Centre

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Cancer is deadly
by: Anonymous

I completely agree with this. Many of them spend huge amounts of money to get cures, however high and strong dosage of drugs makes the body prone to other deficiencies/diseases.

Dear friends, the best way to cure cancer is by preventing it. Having Proper nutrition with rich anti-oxidants and polyphenols from earlier stages of Cancer can even cure it forever!

There are very good solutions to prevent and cure initial stages of this issue. You could save someone's life by getting them the proper solution.

"Let thy food be thy Medicine"

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