Ki Ball Help

by Charon Robinson
(Massachusetts Boston USA)

Hi I need help.

I can make a ki ball perfectly but I don't know how to make it visible. I know that it being visible doesn't give it more power, but it would be easier to throw and direct. So please tell me a technique or something that can help me make my ki ball visible.

Thank You.


Unfortunately, I am not an expert on making ki balls, so I cannot offer you a technique to make them visible.

For details on how to achieve your goal, I suggest that you look into the work of Mantak Chia and other masters of Chi Kung (Qi Gong).

Disciplined practise of focus, intention, and visualisation will multiply your ability to 'see'. By gazing and relaxing your eyes may help.

Thanks for your question Charon.

Tony Wilden
Aikido Health Centre

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Apr 11, 2013
Making Ki Balls Visible
by: Anonymous

Making ki balls visible to the human eye is impossible, but you can see it with you third eye or mind's eye.

In order to make a visible energy ball you generate plasma with your mind. That can be achieved by training you mind in electro-kinesis. Don't worry the body will supply the power to the mind.

Jul 28, 2012
by: Anonymous

If anyone could help me, I can make an invisible ki ball, and feel it, but no matter how hard I try I can't throw it. What should I do?

To answer your question you have to train continually for months, even a year, to make it visible.

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