Self Defence Seminars & Courses. Learn Effective Ways to Protect Yourself!

Unfortunately our self defence seminars & courses are not available now. We plan to offer them again in 2025.  If interested please complete the form below...

It can be dangerous on the streets these days. With the economic downturn, there are irritable, angry, aggressive people looking for reasons to have a go.

Maybe you have experienced rudeness, lack of respect, unreasonable behaviour, verbal confrontations, or fights. You cannot assume it wont happen to YOU. If you make this assumption then you may become the next victim.

It may be a verbal attack, but could be a full on assault that can permanently change your life... or worse. An attack can also have a powerful psychological effect on you, making you scared, fearful of going out, lacking in confidence, etc.

Police figures for 12 months from 2016/2017 from 44 police forces show:

  •     68,968 robbery offences, up 29%
  •     138,045 sex offences, up 23%
  •     37,443 knife crime offences, up 21%
  •     1,291,405 violent crime offences, up 20%

These are the figures of reported crimes, but the real numbers are much more! We don't want to scare people, so please bear in mind that violence is still rare...

But it is happening daily across the UK.

What should you do?

Either ignore the problem and hope that nothing happens to you, OR prepare yourself with some focused training at one of our self defence seminars.

You don't need to become paranoid or spend years learning a martial art. All you need is to learn several key moves that will work for you. Once you have these tools trained well, just practice them now and then to brush up on your skills.

You don't need to become obsessed with fighting or protecting yourself, just aware of your environment and prepared for action... if necessary.

This is where I can help YOU!

My name is Tony Wilden, and I have been studying the art of Aikido since 1985. In 1992 I founded the Arun Aikido Club in Bognor Regis, West Sussex UK.

In 2010, after an intense training course, I qualified as a pressure point self defence instructor under Master Russell Stutely. I learnt some of the most effective methods available, and my Self Defence Seminars & Courses cover it!    

With these simple, but very powerful tips you'll see great results in a few hours of practice. These proven steps will work for you, because they have been 'pressure tested' by people in the self protection industry.

I only offer a few seminars & courses a year, so they are rare. Unique training not found elsewhere. Only available for a maximum of 8 lucky students. If you want to take part, then you must take action!

We currently only hold courses when we have enough people interested. If you would like to join us and take part in 2025, please message us... Contact Form

You cant visit our seminars & Courses in person?

No problem - try our... Self Defence Secrets

Self Defence Seminars & Courses... What Do We Cover?

We cover a variety of useful skills including...

  • the correct mindset
  • how to deal with verbal conflict
  • how to protect your space
  • trigger points that tell you when to take action
  • exactly what action to take
  • 6 key moves to take control fast
  • how to double your striking power
  • how to use an attackers strength against them
  • the most effective pressure points... that work!
  • and so much more!

Because of the devastating techniques taught, it is only available to responsible adults, who must sign a waiver promising to only use these methods if absolutely necessary, and to use minimum force to stay safe.

We currently only hold seminars & courses when we have enough people interested. If you would like to join us in 2025, message us... Contact Form

Please Note: If you cannot attend, give us at least 48 hours notice so we can fill your place. Then you'll get a full refund and we hope you will join us next time. The seminar may be postponed a week before, if we don't get enough bookings.

Booking Form

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Please complete the challenge that you see below.


You cant visit our seminar in person? 

No Problem... Self Defence Secrets

Want local training in Bognor Regis UK? Visit... Arun Aikido

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