Gozo Shioda and Boxer

by Vladimir
(Subotica, Serbia)

Hello! My question is about master Gozo Shioda.

I heard he once did kotegaeshi on a boxer. However I can't find which boxer it was, or Gozo Shioda mentioning it. Can you provide me with a link where he said that or can you tell me - is that true or not? Thank you.


Thanks for your question Vladimir. Unfortunately, I also have not found any evidence of this actually happening. But, I think it highly likely that many martial art stylists, who 'tested' Master Gozo Shioda, would have been dealt with in a variety of different ways... including kote gaeshi.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help. If you do find out, or if any of our visitors know of this story, please tell us about it... many thanks!


Tony J. Wilden
Aikido Health Centre

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