by Tony Wilden
(Bognor Regis, West Sussex, UK)
Filling your body cells with oxygen and vital life force (ki, chi, prana) is VERY easy to do. This is the most powerful thing you can do to improve or repair your health and well-being!
So, what is the very best way?
Easy... fill your lungs with air through deep breathing!
Of course, you then have to search for the best method on how to do this... zen, yoga, chi kung, tai chi... in fact there are hundreds of slightly different ways... which one will you choose?
Stop! Isn't the aim to fill your lungs with life-force and oxygen?
You can't do this if you start sifting through all of the different methods available to you. What you should do is start practising right now - Yes, in this very moment...
...Take a deep breath, hold it for a few seconds, then release the breath, along with any tension in your body or mind.
By practising this for just 10-15 minutes every morning and evening, you'll quickly improve the health of every cell in your body.
As you become more experienced in your practise, you'll develop new ways of improving your technique along the way.
This is just one of 6 main ways to reach Optimum Health, and please remember that... Action is the KEY to Your Success :)
Tony Wilden
Aikido Health Centre
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